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Unit 6 - Lesson 2 - Poems and Novels

I don't think a person must be in love to write a poem because not all poems are about love. There are poems about good and bad things, war and peace or nature. Why would an author be in love to write such poems?



I think the poet was sad when he wrote this. Maybe the person he loved told him "don't waste your love" and rejected his love. That's why, he is sad.
I've met a famous poet when I was in elementary school. One of our teachers was a famous poet.

Bir başkasının sözünü, kendi cümlelerimizi kullanarak başkasına aktarmaya "Reported speech" denir. Reported speech İngilizce gramer konuları arasında en eğlenceli konulardan biridir. Mantık olarak gayet basittir. Olayı kavramalı, ve olayı en doğru şekilde anlatmak için kendi cümlemizi düzenlemeliyiz.


Mandy: "Iwantto goto the event"
Mandy said that she wanted to go to the event.

Bu konudaki öncelikle bir "aktarım fiili" kullanırız. Bizim cümlemizin yüklemi, bu fiil olacaktır. Bu iş için en sık olarak "say" sözcüğünü kullanırız. Aktarmak istediğimiz söz, geçmişte söylendiği için cümlemizi past tense ile kurarız. Bu nedenle aktarma cümleleri genellikle "özne + said + that" şeklinde başlar. "that" sözcüğünden sonra da, aktarılan söz kendi yorumumuz ile yazılır. Bazen "that" kelimesi eklenmeyebilir. Aktaracağımız söz geçmiş zamanda söylendiği için, tense'ini geçmiş zamana çeviriyoruz.
She said thatshewantedto goto the event.


Bu konuda katı kurallar yoktur, sadece mantığımızı kullanmalıyız. Cümleyi biz söylüyoruz, ve anlamın doğru olması için istediğimiz her türlü değişikliği yapabiliriz ve yapmalıyız.

My mother said that I could go to the party.
The teacher said that we should study harder.
I said that he was very smart.
They said that they didn't want to go to the movie that night.

Aktarmak istediğimiz sözün kime söylendiğini de bildirmek istiyorsak "tell" fiilini kullanır, hemen ardından da söylendiği kişiyi belirtiriz.
My mother told me that she was shopping.
The policeman told the students that they should be careful.
I told my mother that I would be late tonight.
She told me that she was going to go abroad for a week.

The mechanic told my dad: "Your car will be ready in two days."
The mechanic told my dad that our car would be ready in two days.

I haven't read a poem of Amy Powell yet.


I don't like romantic novels very much. I prefer mystery novels because they are more interesting and more exciting.


Are your novels based on real life and real people?
Is romance very important in life? How important is it?
Can you tell us about your childhood?
Did you use to write when you were younger?
Do you earn a lot of money from your novels?
Do you read other novelists' works? Who do you like reading?
What are your suggestions for your young fans?
What do you think we should do to be happy in life?


"Reported speech" ile her cümleyi aktarabiliriz. Aktarma fiili için uygun olan istediğimiz fiili kullanabiliriz. "Ask, announce, agree, apologise, explain, decide, reply, want...." gibi fiiller, en sık kullanılanlarındandır.
Genel yöntem, aktarılacak cümledeki tense'i "bir geri" almaktır.



simple present yerine simple past
present continuous yerine past continuous
can yerine could
will yerine would
simple past yerine  past perfect




"Past perfect" tense,  "had + v3" ile yapılır. Geçmişin, daha da geçmişini anlatır. Tek başına kullanılmaz. Mesela simple past tense ile bir olayı anlattıysak, bu olayın daha öncesinden bahsetmek için bu tense'i kullanırız.
"I saw a dead cat"
She said that she had seen a dead cat.

She said that she wanted to write another romantic novel because she found romantic fiction easy to write, but that her next novel wouldn't be a romance.
She answered he was based on one of her friends' ex-husband.
She said that she had been married for nearly ten years and that they were very happy together.
The interviewer asked Elisabeth how many novels she had written so far. She told the interviewer that she had written six novels. She said she would never stop writing, not even when she was an old lady.


-Hello Mr. Brown. We know you are a very famous writer. Would you answer a few questions?
-Of course, you can ask anything!
-Are your novels based on real life and real people?
-Some of my novels are based on reality but most of them are fictional.
-Hmm, very intersting... What about your childhood? Can you tell us about your childhood?
-I was a very naughty boy. My father used to yell at me all the time. I had a wonderful childhood. We used to play outside with my friends all day!
-Did you use to write when you were younger?
-I started writing when I was 15 years old. I used to write short stories at first.
-Do you read other novelists' works?
-I read a lot because reading is fun and I think I must see other people's writing styles.
-What are your suggestions for your young fans?
-They should discover their skills and work hard on them. They should work on things that they love doing.
-Thank you for your time Mr. Brown


Cümle içinde yine mantığa uygun olunca, yer belirten veya zaman belirten öğelerde değişiklik yapılabilir.



Quoted Speech
Reported Speech
that day
this morning (evening...)
that morning(evening...)
these days (months, weeks...)
those days (months, weeks...)
ago (two days ago...)
before (two days before)
last month (week...)
the month before (week...) or the previous month (week...)
next month (week...)
the following month (week...)
the day before or the previous day
the next day or the following day


Konuya daha geniş olarak inceleyebilmeniz için bu konuyu sitemizde, bu sayfada işledik.


Anna said that she was going to the theatre.
The interviewer asked if Mrs. Wood had got any children.
George told his mum that he had gone to concert the day before.
The poet claimed that he had been a poet for twenty years.
Susan told her father that she would watch that film with him.