İngilizce Dersleri
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Ders Konuları

Unit 5 - Lesson 2 - Media

We can read business ads in newspapers but we can find them on the internet too.



İsimleri niteleyen kelimelere sıfat deriz. Adjective sıfat demektir. Fiilleri veya başka sıfatları niteleyen kelimelere de zarf deriz. Adverb sıfat demektir. Daha önce bunlardan zaten bahsetmiştik.



I think the editor job is more stressful than the others. Reporter job is more interesting than editor job but photographer job is the most interesting for me.  I think reporter job is more tiring than photographer job because reporter job is full-time but photographer job is part-time.


Mr. Lodge has worked in my company for 6 years as an editorial manager. He has published many books and articles since he started working here. He was a very good and successful employee. He can speak many languages and his communication with other employees was very good.
-Hello, Mr. Fish. Are you working somewhere now?
-No I've just quit my old job.
-Why did you quit your job?
-I quit my job because the company has moved to another city. I don't want to move.
-Oh, I see. What were you working as?
-I was working as a salesman. I have been in that company for 3 years.
-Very good Mr. Fish, can you speak any foreign languages?
-I can speak English and Turkish only.
-Can you work full time?
-Sure, I've worked full time for ten years.
-Okay, can you work in a team environment?
-I think I can do that....
-Thank you for answering our questions, we'll get back to you.

-Have you ever read an English newspaper?
-No I didn't. But I read news in English on the internet.
-Oh. How often do you  read news in English on the internet?
-I read English news once a week.


-Have you sent a complaint letter to a newspaper before?
-Yes, I have.
-When did you do it?
-I sent one later last month.
-Have they answered you?
-No, I haven't received an answer yet?


-Have you ever written  poem?
-Yes I wrote a poem for a school project last year.

-Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
-Yes, I have.
-How was it?
-It was very greasy but it was very delicious. I ate Chinese food last year. I haven't eaten again since that day.

I seldom read interviews in magazines. I only read intersting articles.


-I've already finished the test
-Really! That was quick.

-I've just won £3000.
-Wow! How lucky!

I like watching cartoons and comedy programs. I don't like watching reality shows or music  shows.

"He's gone to the USA" Bu cümlede "Şu anda Amerika'da" manası, "Amerika'ya gitti" manasından daha vurgulu ve önemlidir.

Çünkü eğer şu anda Amerika'da olmasaydı, cümleyi simple past tense ile kurardık. 

İngilizce çalışırken, simple past ve present perfect tenseler arasındaki bu çok önemli farka dikkat etmemiz gerekmektedir.

-There's a documentary on TV now. It's about Tunisia.
-Tunisia is in Africa, isn't it? I've never been to Tunisia. What about you?
-I have never been to Africa but my friend has gone to Tunisia. He went there a week ago.
-Why did he go there?
-He went there for an international meeting.
".....have gone to" dersek, kişinin bir yere gittiğini ve şu anda orada olduğunu söylemiş oluruz. Bu, geçmişte gerçekleşen, ve hala devam eden bir aktivitedir.
".....have been to" dersek ise, kişinin geçmişte bir yerde bulunduğunu, ama şimdi orada olmadığını söylemiş oluruz. Bu ise, geçmişte yaşanılan bir tecrübedir.


Dear Cate Black,
You can apply the complaints office. In fact, You should do that as soon as possible. The company must apologise from you firstly, then, they must fix the problem or replace your computer with a new one in two weeks. If you have any financial loss, tell them and they must compensate your losses.
Thank you for your email. We hope your problem will be solved in a short time.
I can let you play games after you have finished your homework.
I will give you the magazine after I've finished reading it.