İngilizce Dersleri
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Ders Konuları

Turkish Verbs


Ekmek ile peynir Ake-make eelay pay-neer
Ekmekle peynir. ake make-lay pay-neer
 A carriage full of stones.  
Taş ile dolu bir araba Tahsh eelay doh-loo beer ah-rah-bah
Taşla dolu bir araba. tahsh-lah dohloo beer ahrah-bah



The word "ile", meaning "with, togeher, and", is invariable; but it may be used as a suffix, in which case the "-i" drops when the word ends in a consonant. We have thus "-le" (or "-la" according to the euphony)


yıkanmak To wash oneself yıcahn-mahk
ödenir payable öday-neer
Ödedi he paid öday-dy
oynamak To play ohy-nah-mahk
gitti went gueet-ty
İle with,together eelay
Kapanmak To close, to shut cah-pah-mahk
taş stone tahsh
Dağ mountain dahğ
Açmak to open ahch-mahk
Ayak foot ahyahk
Selamlıyor he (she) salutes. say-lahm-lıyohr
kulak ear coo-lahk
Kimindir? Whose (is it)? keem-een-deer?
neyle? with what? nay-lay?
Dil Tongue, language deel
Oyunuyor he plays ohy-nuyohr
Kalemle (kalem ile) defter. The pencil and the notebook.
Çiçekle (çiçek ile) dolu bir bahçe. a garden full of flowers.
Tarakla ayna. The comb and a mirror.
Karla örtülü bir dağ. A mountain covered with snow.
Sabunla yıkamak. To wash oneself with soap.
Topla oynamak. To play with the ball.
Anahtarla kapamak. To (shut with the key) lock.
Anahtarla açmak. To (open with the key) unlock.
Kediyle köpek. The cat and the dog.
Suyla yıkamak. To wash with water.



When the word ends in a vowel, "-le" (or "-la") becomes "-yle" (or "-yla")
Halıyla örtülü bir oda. A room covered with a carpet.
Kitapla dolu bir dolap. A cupboard full of books.
Neyle ödenir? With what do we pay?
Parayla. Withmoney
bahçesiyle with its garden kapısıyla with its door
Paul babasıyla gitti. Paul went with his father.
Şapkasıyla selamlıyor. He salutes with his hat.
Parasıyla dedi. He (she) paid with his (her) money.
Kedisiyle oynuyor. He plays with his cat.
Ayaklarımızla yürürüz. With our feet we walk.
Gözlerimizle görürüz. With our eyes we see.
Dilimizle konuşuruz. With our tongue we speak.
Kulaklarımızla işitiriz. With our ears we hear.
Ellerimizle çalışırız. With our hands we work.




The last five verbs, "yürürüz, görürüz, konuşuruz, işitiriz, çalışırız" are respectively the 1 st person plural of the verbs:
yürümek (to walk),
görmek (to see),
konuşmak (to speak),
işitmek (to hear),
çalışmak (to work).



Ben ve arkadaşım Me and my friend benimki mine
Siz ve baban You and your father seninki yours
O ve annesi He (she) and his (her) mother onunki his (hers).
Biz ve çocuğumuz We and my friend bizimki mine
Siz ve kediniz You and your cat sizinki yours
Onlar ve köpekleri They and their dog onlarınki theirs
Kitap kimindir? To whom belongs the book?
Benimdir; benimkidir. (It belongs) to me; it is mine.
Sizindir; sizinkidir. (It belongs) to you; it is yours.
Onundur; onunkidir. ( It belongs) to him (to her); it is his (hers)
Bizimdir; bizimkidir. (It belongs) to us; it is ours.
Sizindir; sizinkidir. (It belongs) to you; it is yours.
Onlarındır; onlarınkidir. ( It belongs) to them; it is theirs.
Bu anahtar kimindir? To whom belongs (is) this key?
Benimkidir; seninki değildir. It is mine; it is not yours.
Henry'ninkidir; Paul'ünkü değildir. Iİt is Henry's;it is not Paul's
Bu anahtarlar kimindir? To whom belong (are) these keys?
Benimkilerdir. They are mine.
Paul'ünkülerdir. They are Paul's.
Dolaptaki şişe. The bottle (which is) in the cupboard.
Sizdeki kedi. The cat that is at your home.
Elinizdeki çanta. The bag (that is) in your hand.
Amerika'daki Türkler. The Turks of America.
Dünkü rüzgar sertti. Yesterday's wind was high.
Bugünkü ders kolaydır. Today's lesson is easy.
Bu sabahki fırtına. This morming's storm.




Exercise 18. - Put the following sentences into Turkish.
To whom belongs (is) this house?
Is it yours? (2 nd person plurall).
Yes, this garden is his.
No, it is not mine.
Is it yours? ( 2 nd person plural).
No, it is ours.
He plays with the ball.
We see our eyes.