İngilizce Dersleri
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Ders Konuları

Impersonal Verb


Sevmek To love sevişmek to love each other.
Bakmak To look bakışmak to look at one another.
Gülmek to laugh gülüşmek to laugh together.
Vurmak To beat vuruşmak to fight.



The suffix of the reciprocal verb is "-iş" (or "-ış, -üş, -uş") applied to the stem; the vowel of this suffix drops whenever the stem ends in a vowel.


Anlamak To understand ahn-lah-mahk
kalkmak to rise cahlk-mahk
Park Park, parking park
Üzerine About, concerning ew-zay-reeany
paket parcel pah-kate
Pul stamp pool
Görüşmek to converse gö-rewsh-mak
adres address ahdress
Vurmak to beat voor-mahk
Buluşmak to meet booloosh-mahk
yardımlaşmak to help one another yahrdım-lahsh- mahk
Gerek necessary uay-rake
Giymek to dress guiy-mak
Giyinmek to dress oneself  
Çarpmak to hit chahrp-mahk
çarpışmak to knock one another.  
Hazırlanmak to prepare hahzır-lah-mahk
hazırlanmak, get ready.  
Sevişmek to love each other saveesh-make
.... den beri since baree
Tutmak to seize toot-mahk
rakı an alcoholic drink rah-kı
Anlamak To understand anlaşmak to understand one another
Oynamak To play oynaşmak to play together
Ölçmek To measure ölçüşmek to vie, to contend.
Bu iş üzerine görüşeceğiz.
We shall talk this matter over.
Hayatta yardımlaşmak gerek
In life iı is necessary to help one another.
Yolsa iki otomobil çarpıştı.
One the road two automobiles knocked one onther.
Sinema kapısında buluşalım.
Let us meet at the entrance ( door ) of the cinema.
Paul ve Mary sevişiyorlar.
Paul and Mary are in love
Kendi kendine konuşmak.
To talk to oneself.
Yıkamak To wash yıkanmak to wash oneself
Giymek To dress giyinmek to dress oneself
Bulmak To find bulunmak to be at.
Tutmak to hold tutunmak to cling.


The suffix of the reflexive verb is "-in (or "-ın, -ün, -un") for stems ending in a consonant. For stems ending in a vowel, the suffix is merely "-n"

The reflexive verb is also formed by means of the pronoun "kendi kendine" (oneself).





Kapı iyi kapanmıyor.. The door does not shut well
Bu film uzun zamandan beri oynanıyor. The film is played since very long
Bu kitap aranıyor ve çok okunuyor. This book is sought-after and ( it is ) Much read.
Sınava hazırlanacağım. I shall prepare myself to the examination.
Yemeğimizi kendimiz hazırladık. We have prepared the (our) meal ourselves.



The impersonal verb is obtained with the 3 rd person plural of the present tense:



Diyorlar ki It is said that
Türkiye'de rakı içiyorlar One drinks rakı in Turkey
Bu köyde erken kalkarlar One rises early in this vilage


But mostly the passive voice is used :





İngilizce konuşulur. English is spoken
Pul satılır. Stamps are sold (here).
Girilir Entrance
Çıkılır Exit, way out
Girilmez No admittance, no entry
Park yapılmaz No parking




The relative verb is formed by the first person plural of the past tense (geldik, verdik, yazdık, etc. - 19 th lesson) to which the possessive suffixes are added (see 3 rd lesson). Except for the 3 rd person plural, the final "k" turns into "ğ" (see foot-note on page 18).


Aldığım mektup. The letter I received.
Verdiğiniz kitap. The book you gave.
Bulamadığım adres. The adress you didn't find.
Sorduğu fiyat yüksekti. The price he asked for was high.
İçtiğimiz çay soğuktu. The tea we drank was cold.
Yazdıkları mektup uzundu. The letter they wrote was long.
Beklediğim paket gelmedi. The parcel I expected didn't reach me.
Anlamadığınız bir şey var mı? Is there anything you didn't understand?
Konuştuğun dil nedir? What is the language you are speaking?