İngilizce Dersleri
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Ders Konuları

too, enough + Infinitive

There is an apple tree. The little girl tries to pick one apple from the tree, but she can't reach it.

What should she do?

She should climb a ladder.


  too adj infinitive
She is
"too" sözcüğü "aşırı" manasına kullanılır. "Too" kullanılınca negatif sonucun ortaya çıktığını anlarız (yetişememek).
short to reach that apple.


  too adj (for someone) infinitive
That tree is too long for the girl to reach that apple.
The ladder is not too short for the girl to reach that apple.







"Enough" sıfatlardan ve zarflardan önce gelir. "too" aşırılık, fazlalık ifade ederken, "enough" yeterlilik anlamında kullanılır. İngilizce "enough" kelimesi Türkçe olarak "yeterince" şeklinde söylenir.
  adj enough infinitive
The ladder is long enough (for her) to reach that apple.
She is not tall enough to reach that apple.




Böyle karşılaştırmalar dışında da "too" ve "enough" infinitive ile kullanılabilir.

I have too much homework to do.

I have enough skill to build a house.

He doesn't have enough time to go to that party.

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