I don't want to go to Britain because it is always cold and rainy in Britain. I would like to go to warm places. |
William the Conqueror built the Tower of London in eleventh century. Nowadays, the ceremonial guards act as tourist guides and provide security. They also make Ceremony of the key. There are a lot of wax models in the Wax Museum today. People rediscovered Roman Baths in nineteenth century. At these baths, over a million litres of water come up from the ground. |
-I am thinking of a tourist attraction. Can you guess it? -What is it like? -It is a very old building. It is in Eminönü. -What did people use to do in that building? -Some people used to live in this building. -Can you tell me who lived in that building? -The Ottoman Sultans and thier families lived there. -Is it the Topkapı Place? -Yes, you're right. |
I prefer a holiday in Türkiye because there are many attractions in different cities of Türkiye. I want to visit all of them. |
Şimdi de "if clauses" konusunun farklı bir bölümünü göreceğiz. Gerçekleşme ihtimali çok zayıf olan veya hiç olmayan, gerçekleşmemiş olayları ingilizce olarak nasıl anlatırız? Esas önemli olan, olayın gerçeklememiş olması ve gerçekleşmesinin de beklenmemesidir. Koşul cümlesi mana olarak geniş zamanda olmasına rağmen, simple past tense ile kullanılır. Ana cümlecik de, zaten olmayan bir koşuldan etkilendiği için, "hayali" durumdadır; bu nedenle de "would" ile kurulur. Bu type, genellikle dilek ve temennileri ifade etmek için kullanılır.
If clause içindeki bu kullanım, "type 2" olarak adlandırılır.
Bu type ile en sık kullanılan tabirlerden biri de "If I were you.....", yani "senin yerinde olsaydım......" deyimidir.
What would you do if you were me? Type 2 nin daha detaylı açıklamasını burada bulabilirsiniz. |
"Wish" kelimesi, cümleye "keşke" kelimesine benzer bir anlam katar. "wish", sözcüğünü dilek dilemek için kullanırız. Gerçekte olmayan şeyler için "keşke" anlamında kullanırız. Kullanım olarak "if clause" ile benzerdir. Burada da aslında geniş zamanda gerçekleşen şeylerin zıddını, geçmiş zaman ile söyleyeriz. Böylece gerçekte olmayan bir şey için, "keşke olsaydı" demiş oluruz.
Wish kullanımını da burada, diğer benzer ifadeler konusunda işledik. |
If I were Diane, I would stay and move to another house too. I think she's doing the right thing. |
-I am going to the Datça Holiday Village with my family for holiday next week, would you like to come with me and my family? -I would like to go but unfortunately, I'm going to have a guest all week. I wish I could come with you. -Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm leaving on Sunday. I wish you could come too. If you didn't have a guest, would you come with me then? -Yes, If I didn't have a guest, I would definitely go with you. I wish I didn't have a guest. -Call me, if you change your mind. -Have a nice holiday. |
I wish I lived in a skyscraper. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a skyscraper and live in it. I don't like small villages because they are too far away to the city. If villages weren't too far, I would live in a village too. |
I have a diary and I like writing my thoughts in it. I write in my diary every day. |
Ashley must study very hard in high school to reach her goal. She wants to be a university student. She wants to go to university because she wants to study History. She promises to study very hard. My goal is to go to a very good university after high school. I study every day to reach my goal. |
I don't like my school very much because my school is very boring. I wish it weren't so boring. If there were many activities to do at school, it wouldn't be so boring. I wish I graduated from this school and started university. I think universities are very cool. If I were a university student, I would be very happy because I would meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends. I like my friends, but I wish I had more friends. |
I wish I were at home. If I wer at home, I would be watching my favourite film. I wish it weren't raining. We would have a picnic if t weren't raining. |