İngilizce konuşurken iki şey arasındaki tercihimizi anlatmayı öğrenelim: I prefer an apple to a banana. He prefers chocolate to a candy. We prefer dogs to cats as pets. They prefer sunny weather to rainy weather. Verdiğimiz örneklerde "tercih etmek" manasında olan prefer fiilinden sonra iki nesne kullandık. Bu iki nesneden ilkini, ikincisine tercih ettiğimizi, yani ilkini ikincisinden daha çok istediğimizi anlatmış oluyoruz. Şimdi de prefer fiilinin bir başka kullanımını izah edelim. I prefer playing football to basketball. He prefers going to the zoo to the park. You prefer walking to riding a bike. Verdiğimiz bu örneklerde ise, prefer fiilinden sonra "-ing" eklenmiş fiil kullandık. Böylece iki eylemden hangisini tercih ettiğimizi anlatmış oluyoruz. Yine bu iki eylemden ilkini ikincisinden daha çok istediğimizi anlatmış oluyoruz. Dikkat etmemiz gereken noktalar:
I prefer playing football to playing basketball. I prefer playing football to basketball. I prefer football to basketball. Bu üç kullanım da doğrudur. İlk iki cümle, tamamen aynı manaya gelir. (futbol oynamayı tercih ederim) Üçüncü cümlenin anlamı ise daha geniştir. (futbolu tercih ederim. (Sadece oynamak için değil, her konuda)) She prefers a pizza menu to a hamburger menu. She prefers pop music to classical music and she prefers chatting with friends to reading a book. She prefers Spanish to French for Language Class. She prefers coffee to tea. She prefers cycling to walking. |
We made holiday plans with my family. We are going to go to Antalya for our holiday this year. I like swimming on holiday. I also like climbing mountins. There are many mountains in Antalya. |
"like" fiilinden sonra bir eylem bildireceğimiz zaman da fiile "-ing" ekleyerek kullanırız. Bu şekilde, bahsettiğimiz eylemi yapmaktan hoşlandığımızı söyleriz. I like swimming and I like climbing mountains. I like eating ice cream. Do you like eating ice cream too? |
"Would rather" ifadesi ise, seçim belirtir. İki seçenek arasındaki tercihi belirtmek için "than" kelimesi ile birlikte kullanılır. -Why don't we go out for a walk? -I would rather stay at home. I would rather have a cold drink than going out in this hot weather. I would rather be on the beach than work in the office. Hem "rather" hem de "than" kelimelerinden sonra fiil yalın olarak gelmelidir. I would rather go to Bodrum with you than stay here and work. Aunt Carole has two choices. She can go to Bodrum or she can stay here and work. She prefers going to Bodrum. I would rather go to Bodrum with you than go there alone. Tessa has two choices. She can go to Bodrum with her aunt or she can go to Bodrum alone. She prefers going with her aunt. "Would rather" ile de, "prefer" ile de iki eylem arasındaki tercihimizi bildirebiliriz. Mana olarak aralarında çok fark yoktur. Kullanım olarak ise, "prefer" den sonra fiili "-ing" ekiyle kullanırız. Belirttiğimiz iki şık arasına "to" kelimesini koymalıyız. "Would rather" dan sonra fiili yalın olarak kullanırız. Belirttiğimiz iki şık arasına "than" kelimesini koymalıyız. I would prefer going to Bodrum to staying here. I would rather go to Bodrum than stay here. Tessa prefers dancing contests to song contests but her aunt prefers song contests. She prefers visiting museums to doing shopping but her aunt prefers doing shopping. She would rather visit museums than do shopping but her aunt would rather do shopping. |
-Which of these weekend programmes are you interested in Aunt Carole? -I think I like Programme B because I would rather go on a boat cruise than have a trip to historical places. I also prefer trekking to sightseeing What about you? Would you you prefer trekking? -I don't think so. I am interested in Programme A because I would rather see the Castle of St. Peter. -Hmm. What shall we do then? -Let's take the trip to historical places Aunt Carole, I know you would love Pamukkale. -That's a good idea, but I would rather have a boat tour than see the Archeological Sites. Why don't we join the Programme B? I think you can see those sights while we are trekking. -Maybe, but I don't like Turkish folk dances. I would rather see the Turkish night than see the Turkish folk dances. -Why don't we ask the hotel manager? |
I'm going to get up early this Sunday and watch cartoons on TV. Then, I am going to have breakfast with my family. Later we can go on a trip altogether but I would rather play with my friends than go on a trip with my family. In the afternoon, I'm going to watch the race on TV. After the race, I'm going to go to a party in the evening. |
I think I prefer the activities on Thursday because they are more exciting than the activities on Wednesday. I prefer parasailing to trekking. I have never seen a Traditional Turkish Wedding Ceremony. I would rather see it than go to the disco. I would rather take the Blue Voyage than make a trip to Gümbet but I think the rest of the activities in Thursday are better. |
Son Gelen Soru
gerund infinitive mahvetti beni Merhaba, I would prefer TO GO and see the film tomorrow..Burdaki TO GO gitmeyi tercih ederim seklinde anlam kazaniyor.ornek I Would suggest you to read that book...okumani If you want to buy clothes I can lend you some money..almayi. Cevabı ve devamı için tıklayın >>